KVVH (Q15822360)
German, municipal company of the city of Karlsruhe for the management of its own, inner-city transport and utility companies
Current Data About KVVH
(P17) (Q183)
(P31) (Q1780371)
(P127) (Q1040)
(P154) Image Provided By https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9b/Logo_-_KVVH.jpg
(P159) (Q1040)
(P199) (Q2147707)
(P355) (Q896547)
(P571) Tuesday, July 1, 1997
(P856) http://www.kvvh.de/kvvh/
(P968) info@kvvh.de
(P1329) 0721 / 599 0
(P1454) (Q460178)
(P1813) "KVVH" (language: de)
(P6375) "Daxlander Straße 72, 76185 Karlsruhe" (language: de)
(P11266) https://www.kvvh.de/kvvh/kontakt/kontakt.php
other details
aliases Karlsruher Versorgungs-, Verkehrs- und Hafen GmbH
Karlsruhe supply, transport and harbor company
description German, municipal company of the city of Karlsruhe for the management of its own, inner-city transport and utility companies

External Links