gondola lift (Q1576693)
type of aerial transport by means of cable cabins attached onto a circulating haul rope that moves continuously around a looped track
Current Data About gondola lift
(P18) Image Provided By https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d1/Day267jsulphurmountain.JPG
Image Provided By https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a4/00_4279_Luftseilbahn_Engelberg_-_Ristis_%28Brunni%29.jpg
(P279) (Q13409250)
(P373) Detachable gondola lifts
(P527) (Q126949772)
(P910) (Q8494154)
(P935) Gondola lift
(P1282) Tag:aerialway=gondola
(P1889) (Q498002)
(P8972) Icona gondola skilift.svg
other details
description type of aerial transport by means of cable cabins attached onto a circulating haul rope that moves continuously around a looped track

External Links