worldwide (Q13780930)
published or operating in multiple or all jurisdictions on Earth; special value for "place of publication" (P291) and "operating area" (P2541)
Current Data About worldwide
(P31) (Q82794)
(P373) Worldwide
(P460) (Q2)
(P1269) (Q1072012)
(P1889) (Q8036765)
(P2559) "Use this value with "place of publication" (P291) to indicate a worldwide publication, or with "operating area" (P2541) to indicate international operations." (language: en)
"Utilisez cette valeur avec "lieu de publication" (P291) pour indiquer une publication mondiale ou "zone de travail" (P2541) pour indiquer les opérations internationales." (language: fr)
"Använd detta värde med "utgivningsplats" (P291) för att indikera världsomfattande publikation, eller med "operativt område" (P2541) för att indikera internationell verksamhet" (language: sv)
"Usar este valor con "lugar de publicación" (P291) para indicar una publicación a nivel mundial, o con "área de operación" (P2541) para indicar operaciones internacionales." (language: es)
other details
aliases worldwide release
description published or operating in multiple or all jurisdictions on Earth; special value for "place of publication" (P291) and "operating area" (P2541)

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