Johan Olof Wallin (Q1355965)
Swedish poet and clergyman
Current Data About Johan Olof Wallin
(P18) Image Provided By,_Femtio_porträtt_af_ryktbara_svenskar.jpg
(P19) (Q2352016)
(P20) (Q25286)
(P21) (Q6581097)
(P27) (Q34)
(P31) (Q5)
(P39) (Q96599799)
(P69) (Q185246)
(P106) (Q42603)
(P119) (Q252312)
(P140) (Q75809)
(P172) (Q165192)
(P373) Johan Olof Wallin
(P463) (Q207360)
(P569) Friday, October 15, 1779
(P570) Sunday, June 30, 1839
(P734) (Q2543039)
(P735) (Q10989273)
(P910) (Q15632076)
(P935) Johan Olof Wallin
(P1343) (Q385990)
(P1412) (Q9027)
(P1442) JO Wallin. Jordens oro, för den frid som varar, grafven allt förliker, himlen allt förklarar.jpg
(P1472) Johan Olof Wallin
(P6104) (Q97576700)
(P6886) (Q9027)
other details
aliases Johan Wallin
Johan O. Wallin
Johan Olof Wahlin
description Swedish poet and clergyman

External Links