Debar Municipality (Q1344996)
local administrative unit (opština) in North Macedonia
Current Data About Debar Municipality
(P17) (Q221)
(P18) Image Provided By
(P31) (Q646793)
(P36) (Q689820)
(P41) Flag of Dibër Municipality.svg
(P94) Coat of arms of Debar Municipality.svg
(P131) (Q221)
(P242) Karta Debar.png
(P281) 1250
(P373) Debar Municipality
(P395) DB
(P625) Unable To Parse Value globecoordinate
(P910) (Q9488346)
(P1082) 15412
(P1448) "Дебар" (language: mk)
(P1705) "Дебар" (language: mk)
(P1792) (Q21480296)
(P1889) (Q689820)
(P1943) Map of Debar Municipality.svg
(P2044) 688
(P2046) 145.67
(P2936) (Q181037)
(P3896) Data:Macedonia/
(P7867) (Q83987993)
(P8138) (Q1415305)
other details
description local administrative unit (opština) in North Macedonia

External Links