Puducode Grama Panchayat (Q13113313)
Gram Panchayat in Palakkad district of Kerala, India
Current Data About Puducode Grama Panchayat
(P17) (Q668)
(P31) (Q2732840)
(P131) (Q1535742)
(P361) (Q13110288)
(P421) (Q6828)
(P527) (Q101196830)
(P625) Unable To Parse Value globecoordinate
(P856) http://www.lsgkerala.in/puducodepanchayat
(P1082) 18683
(P1332) Unable To Parse Value globecoordinate
(P1333) Unable To Parse Value globecoordinate
(P1334) Unable To Parse Value globecoordinate
(P1335) Unable To Parse Value globecoordinate
(P1539) 9614
(P1540) 9069
(P2046) 16.29
(P2547) 21.22
(P3896) Data:Q13113313 Puducode Grama Panchayat.map
(P5140) Unable To Parse Value globecoordinate
Unable To Parse Value globecoordinate
(P6104) (Q21830247)
(P6897) 78.37
(P7938) (Q16136772)
other details
aliases Puducode Gramapanchayat
description Gram Panchayat in Palakkad district of Kerala, India

External Links