Haut-Katanga Province (Q130268)
province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, originally due to be established when the country's new constitution was implemented in February 2009
Current Data About Haut-Katanga Province
(P17) (Q974)
(P31) (Q654140)
(P36) (Q187593)
(P131) (Q974)
(P242) Democratic Republic of the Congo (26 provinces) - Haut-Katanga.svg
(P373) Haut-Katanga Province
(P421) (Q6723)
(P571) +2015-07-00T00:00:00Z
(P625) Unable To Parse Value globecoordinate
(P910) (Q9783915)
(P1082) 3960945
(P1365) (Q217242)
(P1705) "Haut-Katanga" (language: fr)
(P2046) 132425
(P2936) (Q10961696)
(P3896) Data:Democratic Republic of the Congo/Katanga.map
other details
aliases Haut-Katanga
description province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, originally due to be established when the country's new constitution was implemented in February 2009

External Links