Book of Concord (Q1297994)
Lutheran doctrinal standard of 10 authoritative credal documents: Apostles’, Nicene, Athanasian Creeds; Augsburg Confession; Apology of the Augsburg Confession; Small and Large Catechisms; Smalcald Articles; Melanchthon’s Tractate; Formula of Concord
Current Data About Book of Concord
(P18) Image Provided By
(P31) (Q47461344)
(P50) (Q62754)
(P373) Book of Concord
(P407) (Q188)
(P495) (Q183)
(P527) (Q51646)
(P577) Wednesday, June 25, 1580
(P747) (Q107278413)
(P910) (Q8305684)
(P921) (Q75809)
(P1343) (Q678259)
(P1476) "Concordia" (language: la)
(P1680) "Chriſtliche, Widerholete einmütige Bekentnuͤs nachbenanter Churfuͤrſten, Fuͤrsten vnd Stende Augſpurgiſcher Confeſſion, vnd derſelben Theologen Lere vnd glaubens: Mit angeheffter, in Gottes wort, als der einigen Richtſchnur, wohlgegruͤndter erklerung etlicher Artickel, bey welchen nach D. Martin Luthers ſeligen abſterben, diſputation vnd ſtreit vorgefallen. Aus einhelliger Vergleichung vnd beuehl obgedachter Churfuͤrſten, Fuͤrsten vñ Stenden, derſelben Landen, Kirchen, Schulen vnd Nachkommen, zum vnderricht vnd warnung in Druck vorfertiget" (language: de)
(P6216) (Q19652)
other details
aliases Lutheran Confessions
description Lutheran doctrinal standard of 10 authoritative credal documents: Apostles’, Nicene, Athanasian Creeds; Augsburg Confession; Apology of the Augsburg Confession; Small and Large Catechisms; Smalcald Articles; Melanchthon’s Tractate; Formula of Concord

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