JR East Gotanda Station (Q126416742)
part of Gotanda Station, operating by JR East, in Japan
Current Data About JR East Gotanda Station
(P16) (Q121735418)
(P17) (Q17)
(P31) (Q55488)
(P81) (Q693036)
(P127) (Q499071)
(P131) (Q5754010)
(P137) (Q499071)
(P154) Image Provided By https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/74/JR_JY-23_station_number.png
(P197) (Q801695)
(P296) タン
(P361) (Q736018)
(P373) Gotanda Station (JR East)
(P421) (Q909085)
(P625) Unable To Parse Value globecoordinate
(P833) (Q126416751)
(P856) https://www.jreast.co.jp/estation/station/info.aspx?StationCd=695
(P912) (Q15003)
(P1103) 2
(P1373) 102487
(P1448) "五反田駅" (language: ja)
(P1705) "五反田駅" (language: ja)
(P1889) (Q736018)
(P5595) 2
(P5817) (Q55654238)
(P6375) "東京都品川区東五反田一丁目26番14号" (language: ja)
other details
aliases JR Gotanda Station
Gotanda Station
description part of Gotanda Station, operating by JR East, in Japan

External Links