Headquarters of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (Q124317530)
architectural monument of national importance in Moldova
(P17) (Q217)
(P18) Image Provided By https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Academia_de_Științe_a_Moldovei_(188801681).jpg
(P31) (Q41176)
(P131) (Q21197)
(P373) Headquarters of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova
(P528) MD-C-At-N-0384.7
(P625) Unable To Parse Value globecoordinate
(P1435) (Q106378260)
(P2561) "Sediul Academiei de Științe a Moldovei" (language: ro)
"Здание Академии наук Молдовы" (language: ru)
(P6375) "bd. Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt nr. 1" (language: ro)
"бул. Штефан чел Маре ши Сфынт, 1" (language: ru)
other details
description architectural monument of national importance in Moldova