Current Data About
The Assignation
(P18) |
(P31) |
(P50) |
(P373) |
The Assignation
(P407) |
(P495) |
(P577) |
(P747) |
(P1476) |
"The Assignation" (language: en)
"Le rendez-vous" (language: fr) |
(P1889) |
(P1922) |
"Ill-fated and mysterious man! — bewildered in the brilliancy of thine own imagination, and fallen in the flames of thine own youth!" (language: en)
(P3132) |
"I staggered back towards the table — my hand fell upon a cracked and blackened goblet — and a consciousness of the entire and terrible truth flashed suddenly over my soul." (language: en)
(P6216) |
(P7937) |