Councilor for Housing, Territory and Mobility (Q120617536)
public office of the Government of the Balearic Islands
(P17) (Q29)
(P31) (Q294414)
(P94) Símbolo Govern de les Illes Balears 2016.svg
(P101) (Q1247867)
(P279) (Q64807792)
(P580) Monday, July 10, 2023
(P1001) (Q107356467)
(P1365) (Q111795957)
(P2521) "consellera d'Habitatge, Territori i Mobilitat" (language: ca)
"consejera de Vivienda, Territorio y Movilidad" (language: es)
(P3321) "consejero de Vivienda, Territorio y Movilidad" (language: es)
"conseller d'Habitatge, Territori i Mobilitat" (language: ca)
other details
description public office of the Government of the Balearic Islands