Tuesday, February 27, 2024
"Firewall" (language: en)
Historian’s Note
"The main events of this story take place in 2381, approximately two-and-a-half years after the Starship Voyager’s return from the Delta Quadrant (Star Trek: Voyager, “Endgame”)." (language: en)
Historian’s Note
"The framing sequences take place in 2386, less than one year after the Federation abandoned its efforts to evacuate Romulus ahead of its star’s supernova (Star Trek: Picard, “Stardust City Rag”)." (language: en)
Tuesday, June 13, 2023
"I offer my sincere thanks to my good friend Kirsten Beyer, whose suggestions during story development helped elevate so many of the ideas that were foundational to this tale." (language: en)
"My thanks are also owed to the team at CBS Studios for making those materials available." (language: en)
"I’m thankful for the assistance of Star Trek historian Larry Nemecek, who helped me acquire some behind-the-scenes star charts created for the production team at Star Trek: Picard, in order to help me pin down a location for the Alpha Doradus system and, with it, Freecloud." (language: en)
"Once in a while, some starship designer would try something different, like putting officers’ bunks in a pass-through corridor for no good reason, or berthing enlisted crew in a starship’s secondary hull near the antimatter, without any clear path to the escape pods, but such “innovations” tended to be short-lived, as did the unfortunate souls forced to endure them." (language: en)
"“As best I can. Chakotay has the Protostar out for a shakedown cruise. Starfleet Command recruited Tuvok for a role in its tactical division. Harry finally got a long-overdue promotion and a new starship posting. And Tom and B’Elanna… now that you mention it, I haven’t heard from them in over a year.”" (language: en)
"And neither her brief romance with the semiliberated Borg drone Axum inside the virtual realm of Unimatrix Zero, nor her short-lived and ultimately self-sabotaged relationship with Chakotay, had prepared her in any way for how to date as a queer adult woman." (language: en)
Historian’s Note
"The main events of this story take place in 2381, approximately two-and-a-half years after the Starship Voyager’s return from the Delta Quadrant (Star Trek: Voyager, “Endgame”)." (language: en)
Historian’s Note
"The framing sequences take place in 2386, less than one year after the Federation abandoned its efforts to evacuate Romulus ahead of its star’s supernova (Star Trek: Picard, “Stardust City Rag”)." (language: en)
"Her most severe episode of the phobia had occurred during Voyager’s long, silent crossing of a starless void between two adjacent arms of the Milky Way, but Seven felt the old terror lurking close beneath her conscious thoughts, like a predator of the benthic deep waiting to surface and strike." (language: en)
"“Correct, but both are vital.” Tazgül used an ancillary companel to pull up files from the ship’s memory banks. “Daphne, do you remember the name of the urban-defense project the FSA cooked up after the Borg attacked Earth in ’73?”" (language: en)