MIGRANTUMIR (Q114974802)
Migration company "Migrantu Mir" helps people to travel freely, move to other countries and get education abroad on preferential terms.
Current Data About MIGRANTUMIR
(P31) (Q783794)
(P136) (Q106462625)
(P425) (Q231147)
(P571) +2014-00-00T00:00:00Z
(P582) Thursday, March 30, 2023
(P856) https://migrantumir.com
(P1019) https://migrantumir.com/feed/podcast/
(P1113) 10
(P1329) +7-965-44-91-888
(P1581) https://migrantumir.com/stati-dlya-immigrantov/
(P6375) "ул. Ленинская Слобода, 19, Москва, 115280, БЦ Омега Плаза" (language: ru)
"113-115 Fonthill Rd, Finsbury Park, London N4 3HH" (language: en)
"ул. Владимира Сосюри, 6, Киев, 02090, БЦ Прага" (language: uk)
(P10286) https://is1-ssl.mzstatic.com/image/thumb/Podcasts112/v4/fc/c1/8b/fcc18b79-06d6-f45b-b3ac-d0638604151d/mza_17319897473002248389.jpg/600x600bb.jpg
other details
aliases migrantumir.com
Мигранту Мир
description Migration company "Migrantu Mir" helps people to travel freely, move to other countries and get education abroad on preferential terms.

External Links