Wohnstock (1884/85) (Q111436830)
residential building with archives in Worblaufen in the canton of Bern, Switzerland
Current Data About Wohnstock (1884/85)
(P17) (Q39)
(P18) Image Provided By https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e9/Gosteli_Stiftung1.jpg
(P31) (Q811979)
(P131) (Q69690)
(P276) (Q99437721)
(P281) 3048
(P361) (Q14913427)
(P373) Wohnstock, 1884/85 (Altikofenstrasse 186, Ittigen)
(P466) (Q19362612)
(P571) +1885-00-00T00:00:00Z
(P625) Unable To Parse Value globecoordinate
(P669) (Q130464201)
(P973) https://www.denkmalpflege.apps.be.ch/de/collection/item/15165/
(P1435) (Q28971394)
(P2044) 544.4
(P2817) (Q14913427)
(P6375) "Altikofenstrasse 186, 3048 Worblaufen" (language: de)
other details
aliases Wohnstock
description residential building with archives in Worblaufen in the canton of Bern, Switzerland

External Links