Mausoleum Ebeling (Q110874772)
Listed mausoleum at the Engesohde city cemetery in Hannover, Germany
Current Data About Mausoleum Ebeling
(P17) (Q183)
(P18) Image Provided By
(P31) (Q162875)
(P84) (Q15457101)
(P131) (Q2381488)
(P276) (Q2327118)
(P361) (Q2327118)
(P373) Mausoleum Ebeling auf dem Stadtfriedhof Engesohde (Hannover)
(P547) (Q23038386)
(P625) Unable To Parse Value globecoordinate
(P669) (Q104622738)
(P793) (Q385378)
(P1435) (Q811165)
(P5775) Georg Ebeling Mausoleum auf dem Stadtfriedhof Engesohde in Hannover, Mosaik mit Engel.jpg
(P8138) (Q18609543)
other details
description Listed mausoleum at the Engesohde city cemetery in Hannover, Germany

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