person with disabilities (Q10857933)
person with physical or mental disabilities that affect or limit their activities of daily living and that may require special accommodations
Current Data About person with disabilities
(P31) (Q16334295)
(P163) (Q105593273)
(P279) (Q215627)
(P373) Disabled people
People with disabilities
(P460) (Q1790733)
(P910) (Q9613892)
(P1269) (Q1351557)
(P1552) (Q12131)
(P2179) 10003616
(P2521) "handicapată" (language: ro)
"handikapulino" (language: eo)
"Behinderte" (language: de)
"invalidka" (language: sl)
(P2579) (Q627208)
other details
aliases disabled people
disabled person
people with disabilities
handicapped person
disabled persons
person with disability
persons with disabilities
description person with physical or mental disabilities that affect or limit their activities of daily living and that may require special accommodations

External Links