scientific explorer (Q10498147)
type of explorer travelling to exotic places in order to explore flora, fauna, or geology
Current Data About scientific explorer
(P31) (Q12737077)
(P279) (Q901)
(P425) (Q6502154)
(P460) (Q11900058)
(P2521) "esploradora" (language: ast)
"exploradora científica" (language: ca)
"Forschungsreisende" (language: de)
"sciencistino-esploristino" (language: eo)
"esploratrice scientifica" (language: it)
"учёная путешественница-исследовательница" (language: ru)
(P3321) "Forschungsreisender" (language: de)
other details
aliases research explorer
description type of explorer travelling to exotic places in order to explore flora, fauna, or geology

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