Morevna Project (Q101214419)
organisation assembled to make Morevna Project and other animations
Current Data About Morevna Project
(P17) (Q159)
(P31) (Q163740)
(P159) (Q6025)
(P169) (Q98059343)
(P527) (Q98952159)
(P528) 0400016157
(P571) +2021-00-00T00:00:00Z
(P800) (Q76600572)
(P1128) 5
(P1448) "Центр развития открытых анимационных технологий “Проект Моревна”" (language: ru)
(P1454) (Q163740)
(P1472) Morevna Project
(P2652) (Q98076729)
(P3320) (Q98059343)
(P6346) "to develop and popularize technologies of production animation using open-source software" (language: en)
other details
aliases Morevna Project – Open Animation Technologies Development Center
Open Animation Technologies Development Center
description organisation assembled to make Morevna Project and other animations

External Links