Oireachtas (Allowances To Members) and Ministerial, Parliamentary, Judicial and Court Offices (Amendment) Act, 1998 (Q100399457)
Act of the Oireachtas No. 5 of 1998
(P17) (Q27)
(P31) (Q91586285)
(P179) (Q100511259)
(P467) (Q129821)
(P577) Thursday, January 1, 1998
(P953) http://www.irishstatutebook.ie/eli/1998/act/5/enacted/en/print
(P1001) (Q27)
(P1031) No. 5 of 1998
(P2567) (Q100399535)
other details
aliases Oireachtas (Allowances To Members) and Ministerial, Parliamentary, Judicial and Court Offices (Amendment) Act 1998
description Act of the Oireachtas No. 5 of 1998

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